
na·ked (nãkîd) having no covering. 1, bare, exposed; with no defence. 2, protection or shield

For centuries the need to protect human-life manifested itself in the creation and development of armour, within modern culture the formalisation of stereotypes, prejudices, and perceived perceptions are all barriers to the way we view things, the way we act and interact.

Often these are invisible, developed throughout our lives, our belief system, morals, the mental boxes in which we store memories or the barricades we erect around ourselves after emotion turmoil.

Barriers evoke an emotional response, on one hand designed to intimidate, to emphasise status, to ward-off attack, whilst on the other to evoke safety, refuge, solace and empowerment.

My work with naked clay invites the viewer to interact with physical barriers, to play with their own perceptions and stimulate the exploration of boundary.